A Song from the Rubble (Annette Ade), Paperback

Meet Annette Ade, a local author who shares her story of God's faithfulness through life's valleys!
Her book is only available locally, and we're excited to offer it to you for only $14.99 in-store and on our website.

Quantity: 1
Meet Annette Ade, a local author who shares her story of God's faithfulness through life's valleys!
Her book is only available locally, and we're excited to offer it to you for only $14.99 in-store and on our website.
Bonnie DelTurco 06-08-2020 01:59

I loved reading this book. In fact, once I started it I couldn't put it down, It's a simple story about an American girl who walks through a seemingly normal American Christian life. BUT......

5 stars based on 1 reviews